Month: March 2016

What Batman v Superman Did Right…and What It Did VERY Wrong (SPOILERS)



(Also posted on Nerd Bastards)

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice…one of the most hyped movies of the year. After many long decades of waiting, we the audience get to see the Dark Knight and the Man of Steel duke it out on the big screen. That’s not all though; we’re gonna be getting our first look at Wonder Woman in all her bad ass glory. In an age of superhero movies being released up the wazoo, dedicated fans have been waiting on baited breath to see DC’s attempt at building its own cinematic universe. So how exactly did it turn out? Well…it did some things right…and some things VERY wrong. Continue reading

Arnold Schwarzenegger Says ‘Terminator 6’ is Still Happening

The franchise could be coming back from the grave of mediocrity.

(Originally posted on Nerd Bastards)

“I’ll be back…hopefully in a better movie.”

When Terminator: Genisys was released last year, plenty of fans considered it to be the official death of the Terminator franchise. Even with Arnold Schwarzenegger reprising his role, Genisys still disappointed fans with its numerous plot holes, contradictions, and overall disregard for the franchise’s mythology. As if the cold reception from fans wasn’t bad enough, the film absolutely tanked at the domestic box office. Even an amazingly delicious burger at Red Robin couldn’t get more people to see it. Sure, it was able to find financial success overseas, but by then the damage was already done to the film’s reputation. The franchise indeed seems to be dead and buried, but its star begs to differ.

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‘Allegiant’ Review: You Can’t Cover up a Convoluted Story with Special Effects


There’s a common theory that going into a movie with low expectations will help you appreciate it more and leave you pleasantly surprised. That’s certainly not the case for Allegiant.

The Divergent series had the potential to be the next Hunger Games. The first film boasted an amazing cast (except for the incredibly boring Theo James), had some impressive action sequences, and built an interesting world that left viewers wanting more. Sure it had an incredibly dull love story and a slew of YA cliches, but it was still a pretty decent effort with great franchise-potential. However, the second film pretty much flushed that potential down the toilet with bad dialogue, an overload of subplots and a convoluted story. So at this point, why should I even bother reviewing Allegiant? Because I’m a glutton for punishment.

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Possible Ghostbusters Spoilers Hint That We May Have a Disaster on Our Hands


(Originally posted on Nerd Bastards)

Sony’s upcoming Ghostbusters reboot is perhaps the most hated movie on the internet right now. As of right now, the film’s trailer has about as many dislikes on YouTube as a Donald Trump speech. While some of these haters can just be written off as sexist trolls upset at the idea of female Ghostbusters, others are pessimistic for completely valid reasons. YouTube users like Boogie2988, Angry Joe, and Comic Book Girl 19 have all expressed their disdain for the film’s trailer. They, along with many other commenters, say that it looks like a cheap nostalgia-based cash-in with bad CG. Still though, only the trailer has been revealed so far, and for all we know, the movie itself could be fantastic. Unfortunately, according to a possible early screening of the film, it may end up being as fantastic as Fant4stic.

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’10 Cloverfield Lane’ Review: John Goodman Sure is Scary…


(Originally posted on Nerd Bastards)

The best way to describe watching 10 Cloverfield Lane is like eating chocolate ice cream with lemon-infused olive oil: it’s unusual but tastes absolutely delicious. Audiences expecting a Cloverfield spin-off will be greatly disappointed. There’s no giant monster wrecking a city, no shaky-cam, and no T.J. Miller screaming “Oh my god!” It’s a smaller, more humble film that resembles an apocalyptic thriller more than a monster-disaster movie. J.J. Abrams made it clear on several occasions that this film would be a “blood relative” to the original Cloverfield and not feature the first film’s monster. The only thing these films have in common are their extraterrestrial and horror themes. It’s much like what John Carpenter tried to do with the Halloween films by having several films with different stories all set during the holiday (before audiences decried the third film’s lack of Michael Myers). Much like Halloween 3, 10 Cloverfield Lane focus on crafting a new story instead of rehashing an old one. As a result, the sheer quality and ambition of 10 Cloverfield Lane is absolutely enough to make it even better than the film that spiritually preceded it.

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Gods of Egypt Review: A Plague of Terrible Writing and Bad CGI.


(Originally posted on Nerd Bastards)

As I was watching Gods of Egypt, I was reminded of an episode of Disney’s often-criticized version of Doug. The episode involved a big-shot character named Guy being inspired by a Broadway show to make a musical based on the Mona Lisa. He asks a goofy character named Skeeter to write it.

Skeeter asks: “What’s the story?”

To which Guy responds: “Who cares? It’s the most famous painting ever! It’s gotta be (great), right?”

Guy proceeds to tell Skeeter: “Just remember, it’s gotta be big! Big! BIG! Lights, songs, explosions!”

Skeeter has trouble thinking of a story, so Doug hands him a book of fairy tales. Skeeter ends up writing a cliched story that pretty much rips off Cinderella, and Guy loves it.

And then it hit me: in 1997, Disney’s Doug predicted the inception of Gods of Egypt almost two decades later. Alex Proyas probably skimmed a book on Egyptian mythology and ordered a big-budget blockbuster based on his perception of it. He then proceeded to hire two hapless writers to fulfill his fantasy with absolutely no attention to the story or its characters. Say what you want about Disney’s Doug, but it made a solid prediction if you ask me.

NOTE: This review contains SPOILERS.

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